Managed Portfolios

A Hedge Fund Approach With Transparency & No Lock-Ups.

Our Long/Short Philosophy

We are a research-driven firm that believes to be successful in markets you need to be flexible and contrarian. Our core portfolio framework is centered around delivering absolute returns regardless of the current environment. 

While we do manage pooled investment capital, our managed account structure is not co-mingled and all assets are held directly in the client’s name known as (SMA) separately managed account. This allows our partners real-time transparency, no-lockups, and greater control over their assets. 

While the SMA structure allows clients to withdraw at any time, we recommend that clients only invest assets with a minimum 3-5 year time frame as this fits our long/short portfolio approach. 

Clients must be qualified and meet the firm minimum of $500,000 for the long/short SMA portfolio – accounts are held at Charles Schwab & Co. or Interactive Brokers.

We are concentrated in building portfolios of 6-12 holdings. We look for companies and situations where there is some type of catalyst that will unlock value within a 3-24 month period. 

The long/short approach is largely centered around US equities, however, we maintain an opportunistic approach that allows us to invest long/short across asset classes globally to generate portfolio returns.

A portion of portfolio capital is allocated toward active-management so that we can capture both tactical and event-driven trading opportunieis to generate portfolio returns while the core positions mature.

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